The Maker

Hello there!
My name is Tanya and I am the maker of all the creations in this shop. I am a mum to 2 gorgeously stunning little boys and I love that they can 'help' me work in my workshop (which was my husbands man cave/shed- that I stole). I have a passion for creativity and am rarely doing one thing at any time. I don't cope well with organised sport, organised chaos is my way of life, I love Harry Potter, I adore dangly earrings the best and I always have my next 5 or so new creations swirling around my head. I have a spunky husband who supports me (even though I stole his man cave) and he is amazing at dealing with the mess I strewn from one end of the house to the other. 
I am so so lucky as my motorcycle riding, life of the party, bright and bubbly gorgeous mum is a part of my business. She comes to most markets (when she is not on her brand spankingly new motorbike) and helps every opportunity she can. Although she admits she hasn't got a creative bone in her body and that she selflessly gave me all her creativity when she made me, she works behind the scenes cutting and punching product cards, cutting fabric, cleaning my chaos, babysitting my cherubs and making loads of cuppas. The most amazing woman I know who taught me:
- do what you love -
 - other peoples opinions of you are non of your business -
 - work hard and play harder -
 - I will always be her loin fruit -
Thanks so much for wanting to get to know me. I cannot express how much I appreciate you supporting my little business and I literally do do a happy dance every time I get a visitor to my stall or website.
Just remember- Life is too short to wear boring accessories!
Have a great day
Tanya xoxo